
Friday, March 23, 2012

Infertility – Common Problem in Partners

Infertility is most pressing problem in modern couples. According to WHO data, around 16% couples in the world have diagnosis “infertility”. Infertility sounds like a definitive verdict for couples who dream of having a baby.

However, often the diagnosis is made too early when not all tests have been made. The talk is about detailed tests before making exact diagnosis. According to statistics, after narrow examination the diagnosis “infertility” is recalled in 50% cases because most couples have problems with fertilization and carrying of a pregnancy but this has nothing to do with infertility.

Conception and pregnancy are very delicate biological processes and even most insufficient derivations in body of one of partners may make both partners put much more efforts than put others.

Infertility is common problem for both partners which must be solved together. If you and your partner strictly decided to make everything to conceive a baby then you should be ready to change your lifestyle. Sometimes a couple needs several months of painstaking preparations to achieve wishful result. During all this period it is important to support each other all the time and to follow all doctor's recommendations.

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