
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Clamidiosis Signs and Symptoms

Incubation period is 5 – 30 days, and in most cases clamidiosis courses without symptoms. Sometimes appears pain during urination and little matter released from urethra. Often patients see the doctor when they already have complications which makes difficult clamidiosis treatment. There are two forms of clamidiosis: acute and chronic. Acute form of clamidiosis is characterized with mild course, without damaging lower parts of urogenital tract. Chronic form is characterized with spread of infection to upper parts of urogenital tract which frequently causes complications.

Regular examinations help to detect infection at early stages. Any diagnosis bases on the results of several methods of examinations. Goal seeking of pathogen usually starts after examination by the specialist (urologist, gynecologist, venereologist, andrologist). For example, in case of female infertility , unprompted misbirths, cervical erosion, inflammatory diseases in genital tracts, severe course of past pregnancies, is prescribed complex of diagnostic maneuvers to find sexually transmitted infections including clamidiosis. In males major symptom which would make the doctor suspect clamidiosis is prostatitis and urethritis, condylomata urethra opening. Examination may be performed in patients who had casual sex.

Primary examination makes specialist. In case he finds damages in reproductive system, he may suspect clamidiosis and suggest patient to undergo advanced examination to detect and confirm provisional diagnosis.

Matter for the investigation in females is scrape from surface of uterine cervix, urinary tract, vaginal discharges. In males for the investigation is taken sperm. Commonly are taken blood and urine. Modern methods (for example, Polymerase Chain Reaction) help to affirm with high precision if chlamydia was found or not in the obtained matter, and based on that specialist says the diagnosis. Using all the data obtained, including primary examinations data, the specialist prescribes treatment.

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