
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Effect of anabolic steroids on sexual desire. Studying the effects and therapy.

Sexual desire (or libido) is mainly controlled by testosterone. Anabolic steroids can lead to an increase in libido. Increased libido may be a problem, because the use of androgens in high doses may also increase the likelihood of violence.

The more common problem is the state after the use of anabolic steroids as testosterone production in the body usually stops around for a few months. The concentration of testosterone in the blood stream is not sufficient to maintain a normal libido, so these hormonal disorders can cause loss of libido.

Very marked reduction in the concentration of testosterone can also lead to erectile disorders. In particular, the simultaneous development of data breaches weightlifting sports performance can deteriorate significantly, in connection with what is often a serious need for the re-use of anabolic steroids.

Studying the effects and therapy

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are likely to disrupt the normal function of the pituitary gland. A similar effect occurs in women who take contraceptive preparations. People who use anabolic steroids are very naslysheny on emerging issues, and some of them are turning to doctors.

According to the medical examination, the other obvious violations are usually absent, and patients can look like healthy people. There may be side effects associated with the use of androgens (e.g., acne, skin stretching portions, breast enlargement and possible traces of injections). As a result of prolonged use of androgens may experience a pronounced reduction in the size of the testicles.

Effect of anabolic androgenic steroids on reproductive function is largely dependent on the use of drugs, doses and timing of application. According to the hormonal studies, reflecting the testicular function, there may be typical violations. According to studies of seminal fluid, a significant proportion of patients may experience a complete absence of sperm. Other people violation can be expressed to a lesser extent.

The changes caused by the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids are reversible, but to restore normal sperm production can take a year. In most cases, the most effective and efficient method is to stop the use of anabolic androgenic steroids. A prerequisite for successful therapy is to understand the relationship between the person actually use and development of androgen disorders, as well as the realization that the recovery will take time.  Of great importance is to motivate patients.

Maintaining physiological concentrations of testosterone (ie, testosterone replacement therapy) may be required in the recovery phase, when there is heavy and prolonged hypothyroidism. However, there is a risk of abuse. Replacement therapy leads to a longer period of sperm production.

The use of anabolic androgenic steroids is not the only cause of male infertility. If the violation is apparently not related to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids or not marked recovery after cessation of anabolic-androgenic steroids, it is necessary to search for other causes of violations of sperm production.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Effect of Anabolic Steroids on Sexual Desire

For many years, anabolic-androgenic steroids have been the most commonly used drugs to improve muscle strength and mass, as well as athletic performance. In recent years, increased use of these drugs. Most people who use anabolic steroids are not professional athletes, and, unfortunately, many of them are teenagers.

When applying steroids people try to get the maximum anabolic effect (i.e. tissue growth promoting effect) and to minimize the androgenic effect is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics. The ratio of the anabolic and androgenic effects of testosterone is 1:1. Others have used anabolic steroids, this ratio varies and may even exceed 30.

However, it is impossible to avoid the development of symptoms of virilization, which are largely dependent on the dose and timing of applications. To maximize the desired effects and prevention of side effects commonly used other hormones in combination with anabolic steroids such as to prevent the growth of mammary glands.

Anabolic Steroids have a significant effect on the function of the gonads. These effects manifest themselves differently in different people: some sperm production stops completely, others observed only minimal changes.

Testicular function and its violation

Testicular function is sperm production and sexual hormones, mainly testosterone. The normal production of testosterone allows the development of male sexual characteristics and also helps to maintain a high level of testosterone in the testicles (the concentration of testosterone in the testes is about 100 times higher than in the blood), which is necessary for normal sperm production.

The functioning of the testes is controlled by the pituitary gland. Anabolic androgenic steroids, which are introduced from outside disruption to normal operation pituitary gland. Native testosterone production in the testis is reduced, thereby reducing the concentration of testosterone, which leads to a decrease sperm production, until the complete cessation.

Effect of anabolic androgenic steroids on sperm production is familiar to doctors who treat infertility. According to these studies, about one in four people using anabolic steroids, there is no sperm production, about every second there is a decrease sperm production, compared with normal values, only a quarter of people who use anabolic steroids, have normal sperm production. Anabolic steroids also have an impact on the structure of the sperm.

Changes in sperm production, caused by the use of androgens, are usually reversible. However, to restore normal sperm count after applying high doses of androgens can take years. There is no precise information on how the use of anabolic androgenic steroids before puberty affect testicular function in adulthood. In this sensitive phase of anabolic androgenic steroids can cause severe, possibly irreversible, changes in the function of the testes.

Monday, July 1, 2013

"How To Be a Father" - Tips for Bodybuilders

Not only women want to look beautiful and have a flawless physique. Often, men also tend to find a figure of Apollo. To do this, they come to the gym and began to go in for sports, and that the result was not long in coming, many people start using anabolic steroids. "The main thing - to build muscle and look at 5 points, and the effects and side effects will somehow then we shall understand" - they think, even without presenting all that awaits them. And for good reason ...

Anabolic steroids and androgens (male sex hormones) have in common a general matter - the hormone testosterone. All existing drugs anabolic steroids differ from the original substance or low androgenic function or even higher androgenic and anabolic activity reduced. This explains the differences in their work:

    increase muscle mass and muscle definition;
    weight gain;
    fat burning, etc.

Actually, it is possible in many ways relates to the use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. However, special attention should be given to the young men who sooner or later will be a question of procreation. The truth is, you need to know before planning a man-child, than to wrap his sporting achievements. After weighing the pros and cons, each athlete must make his own decision for themselves - to use dope or not. It is important for receiving funds doping took place under the strict supervision of a physician.

At present, anabolic steroids are widely available, and there are quite a clear idea about the side effects of their impact on the body. Most athletes who buy Anabolic Steroids, do not think of that may be harmful to your health. They focus exclusively on achieving results that, in their opinion, should provide the necessary steroids. The conventional wisdom, especially beginners, that "the more, the better and more efficiently." This is a profound and dangerous mistake, having neither theoretical nor practical justification.

The danger is that the use of performance enhancing drugs is not caused by any one negative side effect. The nature of the toxicological properties of these drugs. It's hard to believe, but the reception they could end tragically - even death. In most cases, dependent on the dosage. The higher the dose, the more likely the occurrence of various negative effects. These side effects include  water retention in the body, the change in size of testicles in the scrotum, Workflow infringements of the liver, loss of hair on the head, body hair growth PROBLEMS sleeping, increased appetite, gynecomastia, decreased temblor voice, increased aggression. Most of these side effects are assumed time is reached, they disappear after anabolic steroids cycle ends.

Possible causes danger to the health requirements of athletes stop use doping and never to use them. However, there are always those who will use steroids. Fight with many of the side effects should start at first signs stages of their appearance. In connection with this, if you still use the AC , the Punctual advice from doctor help you to avoid complications.

Acceptance of anabolic steroids by athletes and can lead to a decrease in sperm production and a change in the composition of normal sperm  operating, "wrinkled" testicles, that is, to infertility. So before you start taking these drugs with the aim of becoming simply a "sport", think about how it will affect your health, your ability to bear children. Weigh the pros and cons and decide what is more important to you - to be beautiful or have the good fortune to become a father.