
Friday, October 25, 2013

How does training affect your sex life? (part 2)

For men who train, it can be a pressing concern: How does training affect your sex life? Does frequent sex impact your training sessions?

Sex and strength
The next point in this scenario is how having sex will affect your strength and workout performance. Some guys are so intently focused on their training that they want to be sure that frequent sessions in the bedroom are not going to have a negative impact on their sessions in the gym.

Generally speaking, having frequent sex won't impact your weight-lifting performance. If anything, it should increase your workout performance since, once again, sex causes a release of the hormone testosterone, and the more testosterone one has circulating throughout the body, the more muscle tissue can be built.

Further examination of the connection between training and sex...

The one time it might come into play is if you have just finished having sex and then head straight to the gym. You may find your performance isn't as good, because for some men, sex can cause muscular fatigue; for others, though, it actually energizes them. This is solely dependent on the individual and his sexual aftermath.
Indirect effects of training on your sex life
Finally, the last thing to take into consideration is the indirect effect of training on your sex life.

For those of you who are trying to reach extremes and taking your body fat levels to low single digits, this can definitely impact what your sex drive levels are like. At very low levels, most men will start to find that their desire for sex drastically decreases and they lose pleasure in the act. Furthermore, those on very low-fat diets may notice a similar occurrence as well.

Overtraining, as briefly touched on above, can also play a key role in declining libido levels. When overtraining occurs, not only will you likely lose interest in many of the daily activities you used to enjoy, but you'll also lose your sex drive.

Being sure to monitor your body fat levels closely and ensure that you are getting enough rest in between training sessions is extremely critical to your general health and your sexual health.

Another indirect effect of training that can impact your sex life in a positive way is the stress reduction working out provides. Many men use weight lifting as a way to rid themselves of stress they are experiencing, and since stress is one of the biggest sex-drive killers, this will obviously have a beneficial effect.

The last factor to consider that could be affecting you is any type of supplements you are taking to improve your results at the gym. Steroids will increase sex drive drastically; however, you must be warned that they, at the same time, can have the negative side effects of increasing breast size, causing impotence and creating testicular atrophy. More often than not, the benefits of using steroids are outweighed by the adverse side effects seen. Therefore, this is not the best idea when it comes to trying to boost your sex drive.

Other supplements that can influence the sex drive in some males include yohimbe, tribulus and horny goat weed (even though that last one might sound good for your sex drive, it really isn't). Note that sometimes these supplements will be combined with others in a stack, so be sure to check the ingredient listings.

Some men fall into the trap of thinking that taking human growth hormone (HGH) will increase their sex drive, but this supplement actually isn't all that beneficial unless it's administered medically (which is both extremely costly and only given in extreme situations). Therefore, it really isn't going to have much of an impact at all on your sex drive.
train to get down
So, next time you are debating about whether your training may be impacting your sex life, keep these factors in mind. As long as you're not going to the extreme with either, you'll likely find that regular training enhances your sex life, not only by giving you more energy and thus making you "up for it" on a more frequent basis, but also by physiologically tilting the sex hormones to work in your favor.

If you do feel like you are suffering and are having a problem, first try taking a full week off from your training program. You might find that this in itself is enough to remedy the situation. If that still doesn't work, consider speaking to your doctor about the problem because there could be larger factors at play.

Friday, October 18, 2013

How does training affect your sex life? (part1)

For men who train, it can be a pressing concern: How does training affect your sex life? Does frequent sex impact your training sessions?

One of the key hormones in the body that affects both training and sex is testosterone, which just happens to be one of the main sexual hormones. Accordingly, it's not hard to see how these two factors would go hand in hand.

Your sex drive
The first thing to consider in this picture is your sex drive. Will training impact how frequently you want to have sex?

Let's take a closer look at the testosterone connection here:

It's no secret that a higher testosterone level in males increases their sex drive. When a man's testosterone level begins to fall as he ages or due to other health-related factors, the libido will usually start to diminish as well.

Sometimes, if the condition is severe enough, doctors may place certain men on testosterone replacement therapy to help bring their hormonal levels back up to normal. Once these levels have been increased again, libido should rise and the desire and sexual performance (sometimes low testosterone can contribute to erectile dysfunction) should improve as well.

It only stands to reason, then, that anything you can do to increase your natural testosterone production should serve to further enhance sex drive levels. This is where weight lifting comes in.

When a man participates in heavy weight training, the levels of testosterone in his body will shoot up — assuming, of course, that this program is appropriate. Do note that overtraining is one of the biggest killers of testosterone, so taking this point too far and doing a very large volume of weight lifting will actually work against you and your testosterone levels.

Getting on a proper program where you are doing 20-40 sets maximum per workout will help to ensure that you aren't going overboard. Additionally, be sure that when you are lifting, you are lifting heavy amounts. The weight is really the key here — just be sure you are still using proper form and not overdoing it.

Additionally, certain exercises will also affect your sex drive more than others will. To fully maximize testosterone, full squats are a must. These will use so many muscle fibers in the body that it would be hard not to get a good testosterone release because of them.

Aside from squats, all the other compound movement lifts will be your best allies when it comes to increasing your sex drive. These exercises include:

    Bench press
    Bent-over row
    Stiff-legged deadlift
    Shoulder press
    Back squat

Incorporating these movements into your workout routine would be highly beneficial to your sex drive.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Treatment for Low Sperm Count

A man is diagnosed of suffering from low sperm count when less than 20 million spermatozoa are present in a milliliter of seminal liquid and a series of medical tests are performed in order to establish that. The condition can be caused by a lot of factors, among which testicle injuries, smoking and a stressful routine are the most known. Although the sufferers have fewer chances to become father, numerous methods of treatment for low sperm count are available, helping them to overcome this problem.

Here is a list with the five best known treatments.

Hormone-based Medicines

Hormone-based medicines are prescribed when the problem comes as a consequence of a hormonal imbalance. The body secretes insufficient or too many hormones that play an important role in helping many internal organs, including the reproductive system, to function properly. Steroids help the secretions to be restored to normal levels, improving the quantity, quality and motility of the semen. However, besides benefits, they can also have side effects, so it is best to follow treatment based on them under strict medical supervision.


Surgery is also used as a method of treatment for low sperm count, when the problem is caused by an inflammation of a blood vessel that irrigates the testicles. Obstructed veins can also lead to low sperm count, and a surgical procedure is usually required in order to correct the dysfunction.

Oral or Injectable Antibiotics

Identifying the cause of this problem is the best way to treat it, but, sometimes, doctors need to look elsewhere in order to find the origins of low sperm count. When this problem is caused by the presence of another infection in the body, the administration of oral or injectable antibiotics can solve it in a relatively short period of time.


Acupuncture has been used for millennia in the traditional Chinese medicine as a method of treatment for many ailments including low sperm count. It has no side effects and the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort when the needles are stuck in the energy points.

Herbal Extracts and Teas

Herbal extracts and teas are also used as cures for this problem. Horny goat weed brings about an increase in the sperm quantity and motility by improving blood flow in the genital area. On the other hand, Tribulus terrestris helps the body to secrete a greater amount of testosterone, a hormone that influences the quality of the seminal material. Ginseng, mucuna pruriens, salabmisri and maca are other herbs with great effects in treating low sperm count.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Anabolic Steroids and Fertility

There are a number of side effects users will experience when taking Anabolic Steroids. Some are short term and others may have long term side effects. Unfortunately any side effects will in most cases also effect the male fertility health. Some of these side effects can include:

Short term effects

    Puffiness and swelling in the face and neck due to increased water retention.
    Development of breast tissue in males.
    Increased risk of injury to muscles and joints.
    Increase in muscle mass.
    Heightened aggression, sleeping disorders, anxiety and irritability.
    Stunted growth if taken during adolescent growth spurts due to skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.

Long term effects

    Growth of breasts due to the high level of testosterone some of which the body converts to oestrogen.
    Increased erectile dysfunction and shrinking testicles.
    Heart and liver disease - some steroids are toxic to the liver.
     Kidney disease due to the increase in toxins to be broken down.
    Aggressive behaviour and depression.
    Jaundice from high levels of steroids - affects liver function.
    Increased blood pressure.
    Prostate enlargement.

Anabolic Steroids and male infertility are often linked due to the effects on the body as mentioned here.  Any increased toxins in the body have the potential to affect the sperm being produced.

A semen analysis will give a good indication of the health of the sperm if a male has used steroids previously and is now having difficulty with infertility. A low sperm count will also be detected by going for a semen analysis.

Fortunately medical technology and advancement in procedures such as sperm washing as well as ICSI - Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection could assist men whose fertility may have been affected by the usage of Steroids.

Your doctor will be able to advise you on using an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedure in the event of being diagnosed with infertility due to this usage.

Natural remedies for infertility

In order to get rid of the toxins and increase your health status and hormonal balance, changing your infertility diet and considering the alkaline diet may assist in correcting your sperm problems.

Many of the side effects mentioned can be corrected by immediately stopping the usage of these substances, as well as considering lifestyle changes and partaking in moderate exercise such as walking and swimming or yoga.