
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Low Testosterone Symptoms

If you’re a human being, and if you’re reading this it is assumed you are, then low testosterone may be a concern for you. In the U.S. alone more than 20million men suffer from low testosterone, and while women can suffer too it is men who most commonly fall prey to the problem. The low testosterone symptoms can be very easy to spot; however, as the often gradually occur many men become accustomed before they realize they have a problem. Fortunately, while this is a condition that is beyond bothersome there is a remedy for the problem, and it is quite simple. Such a remedy will not alter your life, it will not be inconvenient, and regardless of anything else it will greatly improve your overall quality of life.

The Low Testosterone Symptoms
There are several low testosterone symptoms that may point to you having a problem. In most cases, you will display at least two symptoms, and in most cases one of the sexually related will occur. As the problem is left ignored, other symptoms will begin to show, and each one will get worse the longer the problem is left unattended to. It is true, low testosterone symptoms are not life-threatening, but not only are they very problematic they can be an open door to many far more serious complications. The following chart displays the low testosterone symptoms, the gateway effects that can occur if the condition is ignored, as well as the possible severity of the initial low testosterone symptoms:

Low Testosterone Symptoms   

Possible Severity
Gateway Effects
Loss of Libido
Erectile Dysfunction
Moderate to Severe
Loss of Muscle Mass
High Moderate
Loss of Strength
Moderate to Severe
Increased Body-Fat
Moderate to Sever
High Cholesterol
Inability to lose Fat
Loss of Energy
Loss of Concentration
Constant Soreness & Aches
Moderate to Severe
Low to Moderate
Decreased Sense of Well-Being

Combating Low Testosterone Symptoms

There is only one thing on this earth that will combat the low testosterone symptoms, and that is testosterone. For some reason, by the manner in-which testosterone has been demonized in popular culture due to it being an anabolic steroid this surprises many people. This should not be a surprise; for example, if you’re hungry you need food, if you’re lacking in food the only thing that will fix it is more food. The same can be said of testosterone, if you’re lacking in testosterone the only thing you can do is provide your body more of the hormone. This isn’t brain surgery, although it’s often treated as such. In the U.S. to combat low testosterone symptoms there are many options regarding the type of testosterone therapy you receive. There is the most efficient injectable testosterone, topical solutions, implant pellets and even somewhat indirect measures through Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) and Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s). AI’s and SERM’s work by stimulating the release of LH and FSH into the body, thereby stimulating natural testosterone production; they can work, but often they are not enough. There is also a peptide hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) that is sometimes used for early initial stimulation. In any case, to combat the low testosterone symptoms, we have listed all possible common measures, the type of measure or form, and its ability to remedy on a 1-10 scale:

 Recovery      Rating
Topical Testosterone Patch
Topical Testosterone Gel
Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)
Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex)
Subcutaneous Implant Pellet
Injectable Testosterone
Injectable Testosterone
Injectable Testosterone
Injectable Testosterone

Monday, August 18, 2014

How Bodybuilding Can Positively Effect Sex Life!

Men are stereotypically notorious for bawdy locker room talk; women, body parts, certain unmentionable deeds, and normally as women we roll our eyes and pretend to be offended at the utter lack of class they must have.
Women however, may not share their immediate thoughts to everyone about sex and other formerly thought-to-be taboo issues as readily. In private though, I have found that women are far more verbal about sex; what they like and don't like, and what they are and aren't doing.
Competitive bodybuilders and fitness athletes are no different, but it all seems to revolve on how the sex, or lack thereof will affect their training, their dieting, their physique, and in the end, their placing.

Refraining From Sex Before A Big Event
It is well known that many professional athletes, baseball players, football players, fighters, and endurance athletes have all claimed to abstain from sexual activity with a partner, and even from masturbation immediately before a big event. There is this 'old-school' belief that it somehow reduces stamina, reduces power, and reduces the force that the athlete can put forth at their big event, tournament or game.
This seems to be true, for a minute. After athletes abstained from ejaculation (serum test levels were tested daily) for 6 days their levels had not changed. On the seventh day only, the levels of testosterone jumped by 50 percent.
This was back down to the previous level the next (8th) day of abstaining. This seems to mean a 50 percent increase could be achieved, but for what? Abstain from sex for six days in order to have a killer leg day on the 7th? Umm, no. It's just not a usable or convenient method.
In bodybuilding, this seems to be a divided issue. Some professional bodybuilders won't have sex in the days or weeks before a show, thinking it will reduce testosterone, or at the very least take away their laser-like focus on the prize.
Arnold Schwarzenegger defied this school of thought and believed that sex before or after lifting weights and working out helped him to relax and increased his vasodilatation, and thus his training output.
It's true that bodybuilding (lifting weights that is) lowers testosterone levels (serum), but only remain slightly lower for less than 3 hours. One study found that when 10 men watched a pornographic movie for 15 minutes, their testosterone levels jumped 100 percent afterwards, while the 10 ladies rolled in at 80 percent more testosterone!1
Now should we all watch porn right before we hit the gym... well, maybe not every workout! Seriously though, the arousal itself seems to show a massive increase in test levels, and it would then seem the next question to be, "How long does it last?"
It seems the levels remained elevated at 75 percent of the max for over 90 minutes, so you better hurry! From the other side of the coin this also seems to increase aggression in turn, and increases the likelihood one will do things such as pull the trigger on a gun.

Measuring Testosterone Levels
In studies performed on rats, the testosterone levels were tested prior to ejaculation, immediately after one, two, and then four 2. The tests on rats showed a marked increase in testosterone levels after one, and remained at the highest level in the rats even after four ejaculations, approximately four hours.
This shows great promise that post ejaculate workouts being enhanced naturally (not to mention pleasantly) from increasing ones sexual activities, whether with a partner or alone. It seems these tests are all bias in one way though, they are almost all performed on men.
I am hopeful that in the future there will be more studies done directly on women in fitness and bodybuilding and their sexual health. It's a running joke while prepping, that the closer you get, and the better you look, the less and less you want to have sex with anyone.
Some that are utilizing chemicals, and I won't cover that here, will not suffer these effects of training and dieting down for stage. The extreme training when in competition mode really does a number on the body, the mood, let alone the sex drive. Hungry, tired, and cold does not equal sexy for most people.
Some women report a burst of energy after sex that resulted in an orgasm, wanting to jump up and clean something, or bounce around the house; while others say they are content to watch television, relax with their partner of just doze off to sleep.

Orgasms & Your Workout
In the less clinical sex, bodybuilding and fitness play a huge role in sex and visa versa. As a woman, I believe and have read and researched and found that achieving orgasm at least three times a week increases my "feel good chemicals" (aka dopamine).
This will in turn result in a more pleasant mood, less rage, less anxiety and a more positive overall outlook. How can this not result in a better workout? It has to.
When a woman is fit, and healthy and is lifting weights actively, she has increased caloric needs, increased energy, increased blood flow (this means everywhere), better sleep, regular menstrual cycles and regulated fertility. In other words, increased training, and overall fitness increases and results in a positive outcome on every activity of the body.
This will in turn result in a likelihood of a healthier body image, and therefore a healthy sexual image of oneself. It's common for women to believe they have no sex drive, or a libido issue that requires medication.
In many instances it is a direct result of a poor body image, or a more serious condition known as Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD); where one believes that they look one way, when in reality they look completely different.
Lifting weights, losing weight, taking care of your body, will dramatically increase your confidence, your energy, your endurance and your image of yourself as a healthy sexual human being. 5 In a more direct physical sense, its common for women in classes for abdominals/core and even Pilates to report orgasm during the class movements, or increased or more powerful orgasm after weeks of training.
This is due to the strengthening and stimulation of the PC (pubococcygeus muscle) muscle, located in the pelvic floor (men have one too), that controls the flow of urine. 4 This is your best friend when wanting to increase your orgasm, or its strength; or, ahem, your core and abdominal strength!
Increasing the strength of the quadriceps, and adductors (inner thighs) will also strengthen the intensity of orgasm for women, even the breathing exercises taught in yoga have been known to cause major and dramatic increases in orgasm! The core strength also helps in a number of different positions, and in avoiding the dreaded "Charlie-horse" during an intimate moment.

The Benefits Of Bodybuilding
For men, bodybuilding offers a few more benefits aside from increased body image and self-esteem. It also increases their overall production of testosterone over a long period of consistent training and its known that men's testosterone levels can begin to decline as early as 25 years old!
The action of lifting weights, for reps, for one hour or more, increases vasodilatation throughout the body; and when a man is a smoker, or has arterial disease in his family, this can affect erections, as the lack of blood flow to the area will eventually cause impotence.
Over a long period of time and frustration, it's nice to know that it can possibly be a helpful benefit to those with that issue. Not to mention the increased strength can aid in a vast supply of new sexual positions you and your partner would both appreciate!

It seems that bodybuilding and training have a lot more affect on the body and on sex than just who has the hottest bod! Although, that is one really great benefit to being a lean, hard, super-fit person, and to being with someone who holds their body to that standard; you feel great about your body, your body looks great and you know it.

They say it's just the men that are visually stimulated first, and for the women it's mental that gets us hot. I believe a perfect combination of both is someone who takes care of their body and it shows, and appreciates all the hard work you put into yours, and lets you know often! Here's to great gains in the gym and the bedroom!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Public Enemy #1 for Male Fertility: Anabolic Steroids

Did you notice those guys with big muscles at the gym or on the beach? The muscles may be from "just plain old fashioned hard work in the gym" or they could be from using anabolic steroids or performing enhancing drugs (PED). Those that use anabolic steroids or PEDs to build and repair muscle are doing damage to their testicles. These testosterone-based hormones are very bad for men who eventually want to have children. They actually work almost like a contraceptive. When a man is taking anabolic steroids, it is virtually impossible for him to get his partner pregnant.

The use of anabolic steroids historically has been used by athletes in major sports, such as weight lifting, baseball and football. Because these so called "role models" use these drugs, anabolic steroid use or abuse has filtered down and is being used by recreational weight lifters, college and high school athletes, etc.

How do anabolic steroids affect male fertility? Sperm are formed in the body when brain hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) work directly on the testicles. In the testicle, cells called Leydig cells are turned on to produce the male hormone, testosterone. When this occurs, there are very high levels of testosterone that are present in the testicle, although there is a normal amount of testosterone in the blood stream. When men use anabolic steroids, they trick the body into thinking that the testicles DO NOT have to produce testosterone. When this happens, the amount of testosterone in the testicles is extremely low, despite normal or very high levels in the bloodstream. When this situation occurs, follicle stimulating hormone also is not released. This combination causes the testicles to shrink and to produce little if any sperm.

Although use of anabolic steroids can stop sperm production, the good news is that in many cases this problem is reversible. It appears that the longer one uses the steroids and the higher the dosage used, the more likely these become irreversible problems. Once performance enhancing drugs are stopped, sperm production may start again but will return in the ejaculate at the earliest three months after stopping the drugs. In fact, in patients who have used steroids for years, this sometimes may take one to two years before one may see a return in sperm production. After a period of time after stopping the PEDs, sometimes medical therapy can enhance the ability of the body to restart sperm production. This is usually done with human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. In certain cases, if hCG alone does not stimulate sperm production, a form of FSH called human menopausal gonadotropin may be added to improve the chances of return of sperm.

Anabolic steroids can cause other health problems that sometimes can be irreversible. These include aggressive behavior, acne, baldness, prominent breasts, liver disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. In adolescents, it may result in stunted growth and accelerated puberty changes.

PEDs can also cause sexual dysfunction. When the anabolic steroids are stopped, the "sexual rush" is gone and this will cause testosterone levels to crash to virtually zero. This may cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of energy and loss of sex drive. Testosterone production may return in a few months, however, in certain situations, it may be a permanent problem. Luckily, there is medical treatment for this problem to raise testosterone levels back to the normal range.

So there are lessons to be learned from the abuse of anabolic steroids. The most important point here is if you want to have children at some point in your life, DON'T USE ANABOLIC STEROIDS!!! In addition, stopping anabolic steroids may result in the "crashing of testosterone levels" with associated bad problems related to general health and sexuality.

Friday, August 1, 2014

HGH - Human Growth Hormone and Aging

The human growth hormone (HGH) is a hormone that is made by your body in the pituitary gland and many claim has anti aging properties. It is often marketed as an anti-aging hormone. In children, it is important for normal growth. In adults, HGH helps regulate and maintain your tissues and organs. Children sometime receive HGH injections because a lack of HGH in their body is impacting their growth rate.

HGH and Aging
Like many hormones, HGH levels decrease as a person gets older. This is a normal part of aging. HGH is becoming a popular anti-aging supplement. Because HGH is only available in injection form (other forms of HGH have not been proven effective) HGH must be given by a doctor. The cost for one year of HGH injections can be more than $15,000. The saddest part is that there has been little research on HGH and aging –- one study shows that lower HGH levels correlate to increased longevity compared to people with high HGH levels.

HGH Benefits
While HGH is not the fountain of youth that people claim, there are some benefits to HGH supplementation. Of course, anyone whose body lacks the ability to make HGH would benefit from this medical treatment. HGH also increase muscle mass (but not strength). Some people claim to have more energy and feel better on HGH supplementation, but no study has been done to rule out the placebo effect (which is likely to be strong if a person is paying $15,000 for treatments).

Why All the Buzz Around HGH?
In 1990, an article appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine by Rudman that showed HGH improved the muscle tone and body composition of 12 older men. That tiny piece of research led to an unexpected boom in quacks and “anti-aging” doctors selling HGH-based “Cures for Aging.” Today, there are oral formulas of HGH, injections and even inhaled versions of human growth hormone. Other studies since 1990 have given mixed results. The only firm conclusion is that going to the gym can provide more benefits than HGH (if there are any benefits of HGH at all) with far less cost and risk.

Side Effects of Human Growth Hormone
The side effects of HGH are serious. They include diabetes, swelling, high blood pressure and even heart failure. Inflammation can also occur, causing joint pain and carpel tunnel syndrome. There is also an increased risk of cancer in children using HGH supplementation and a possible increase risk of cancer in adults (though no long-term studies have been done to prove or disprove the cancer risk of HGH).

At the moment, there is not enough evidence to recommend HGH as an anti-aging supplement. This risks, dangers and costs are far too great for anyone to be experimenting with HGH. If you talk with a doctor who recommends HGH for anti-aging, find another doctor (of course, HGH has other valid medical indications like pituitary problems in children).