
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Effect of anabolic steroids on sexual desire. Studying the effects and therapy.

Sexual desire (or libido) is mainly controlled by testosterone. Anabolic steroids can lead to an increase in libido. Increased libido may be a problem, because the use of androgens in high doses may also increase the likelihood of violence.

The more common problem is the state after the use of anabolic steroids as testosterone production in the body usually stops around for a few months. The concentration of testosterone in the blood stream is not sufficient to maintain a normal libido, so these hormonal disorders can cause loss of libido.

Very marked reduction in the concentration of testosterone can also lead to erectile disorders. In particular, the simultaneous development of data breaches weightlifting sports performance can deteriorate significantly, in connection with what is often a serious need for the re-use of anabolic steroids.

Studying the effects and therapy

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are likely to disrupt the normal function of the pituitary gland. A similar effect occurs in women who take contraceptive preparations. People who use anabolic steroids are very naslysheny on emerging issues, and some of them are turning to doctors.

According to the medical examination, the other obvious violations are usually absent, and patients can look like healthy people. There may be side effects associated with the use of androgens (e.g., acne, skin stretching portions, breast enlargement and possible traces of injections). As a result of prolonged use of androgens may experience a pronounced reduction in the size of the testicles.

Effect of anabolic androgenic steroids on reproductive function is largely dependent on the use of drugs, doses and timing of application. According to the hormonal studies, reflecting the testicular function, there may be typical violations. According to studies of seminal fluid, a significant proportion of patients may experience a complete absence of sperm. Other people violation can be expressed to a lesser extent.

The changes caused by the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids are reversible, but to restore normal sperm production can take a year. In most cases, the most effective and efficient method is to stop the use of anabolic androgenic steroids. A prerequisite for successful therapy is to understand the relationship between the person actually use and development of androgen disorders, as well as the realization that the recovery will take time.  Of great importance is to motivate patients.

Maintaining physiological concentrations of testosterone (ie, testosterone replacement therapy) may be required in the recovery phase, when there is heavy and prolonged hypothyroidism. However, there is a risk of abuse. Replacement therapy leads to a longer period of sperm production.

The use of anabolic androgenic steroids is not the only cause of male infertility. If the violation is apparently not related to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids or not marked recovery after cessation of anabolic-androgenic steroids, it is necessary to search for other causes of violations of sperm production.

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